Archive for May, 2013
Understanding Gum Disease… Is It Affecting YOU?
Periodontal disease affects over 90% of Americans each year and the reality is that you will experience some form of it over the course of your life. The only question is to what degree. The main culprit of the disease is dental bacterial plaque, the biofilm that results when bacteria concentrate at the gum line […]
Dental Implants: Your Premier Option for Tooth Replacement
You can easily see what an unsightly gap a missing tooth leaves — but that’s really just the first sign of trouble ahead! Far more worrisome is the fact that tooth loss is generally followed by loss of bone in the jaw. This may lead to greater problems with the bite, and eventually, changes in […]
Experience Less Postoperative Pain with Laser-Guided Dentistry
The impact of laser technology has been rapidly growing since the mid-1960s when it was first introduced in the healthcare sector as a surgical tool. Using LASERS, short for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, we are now able to perform procedures on the soft tissues of the mouth with patients reporting less postoperative […]