Guided Bone and Tissue Regeneration
Treatment in Tallahassee
It is an important treatment for patients with gum disease.
As periodontal disease progresses, pockets of degenerated bone develop in the jaw. These pockets can promote the growth of bacteria and the spread of infection. To address these pockets, Dr. Colón, Dr. Guzmán and Dr. Zellner may recommend tissue regeneration. During this surgical procedure, the pockets are cleaned thoroughly, and a membrane is installed between the soft tissue and the pocket in the bone. Some of these membranes are bio-absorbable and some require removal. The membrane covers the pocket so that fast-growing soft tissue is blocked, and slower-growing bone can begin to grow or “regenerate” itself.
The effectiveness of the procedure generally depends on the patient’s willingness to follow a strict postoperative diet and careful oral care. Our physicians will help you determine if bone regeneration surgery is right for you.