Simplant CT Software in Tallahassee
Simplant, Anatomage and Straumann cares are 3 options owned by Periodontal Associates of North Florida and utilized based on the individual case. They are all similar yet there are reasons in which one may be selected over another for your particular planning. The purpose is similar and most commonly SimPlant will be utilized.
SimPlant has been created to help the implant periodontist determine the perfect location for every implant while at the same time achieving the finest esthetic result. SimPlant is full of tools that embody that purpose:
- Implant creation
- A library with more than 8000 different implants and abutments including Straumann and Astra
- Nerve creation in order to highlight the inferior alveolar or mental nerve; work in a manner to not interfere with these important structures
- 3D transparency tool for investigation of the position of the nerve towards the implants
- Easy assessment of the bone density
- True 3D planning, involving realistic implants and views inside the bone
- Obtaining guides that provide for sub-millimeter surgery accuracy

SimPlant is a software for the dental surgeon who likes clean 3D images.
SimPlant has been created to help the implant periodontist determine the perfect location for every implant while at the same time achieving the finest esthetic result.